Batts Hill Cucumber and Clementine Oyster Mignonette Sauce

Lots of people think of champagne as being the traditional pairing for oysters but we think gin, our Surrey Dry Gin gin to be precise, make's the perfect accompaniment to the briny treats.

In this recipe Surrey meets the sea with the citrus tones of our Batts Hill Surrey Dry Gin mignonette sauce and the creaminess of our newly discovered Richard Haward oysters from Essex. The flavours blend together rather swimmingly.

Batts Hill Gin Mignonette Sauce for Oysters


  • 6 fresh oysters

Mignonette ingredients

  • 25ml of Batts Hill Surrey Dry Gin

  • 30ml lemon juice

  • 75ml olive oil

  • 15ml finely grated cucumber (seeds and skin removed)

  • 1 tablespoon of banana shallot, grated

  • Pinch of sugar


  1. Put all of the mignonette ingredients in a mixing bowl and whisk for a few minutes until well combined. 

  2. Shuck oysters and spoon over a teaspoon of the sauce and garnish with some thinly sliced red onions

Batts Hill Cucumber & Clementine Gin Mignonette Sauce for Oysters


By the way, we read that, "mignonette" translates roughly into "cute, small, and tasty", and that's exactly what this is. 


 Batts Hill Gin Distillers enjoy oysters and gin

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